After speaking with hundreds of small business owners, one thing is clear: you guys (and gals) get inundated with phone calls from internet marketers offering search engine optimization several times a week, if not several times a day. The SEO industry is a strange beast. When you go to your doctor, you do not question his…
It’s a simple question, and you would think it would be a simple answer, however every time you call your SEO provider you hear a different reason of why your phone isn’t ringing more. This isn’t going to be a long read, because it is very simple. Ranking Reports are KEY! You should be getting…
Wait, what’s a landing page? When someone clicks through a link on the search results page, it is the first page they go to, or “land” on. For most of you reading this who are running PPC campaigns, your landing page is likely your home page. Why do these pages matter? I can’t tell you…
Scroll to the bottom for a TL;DR. This seems to be a question I get a fair deal. Should my business spend money on SEO, PPC or both? As with many things in life the answer is, it depends. For newer businesses, I almost always suggest going with pay per click, as you see immediate…